Shooting Contests

Rifle and Trap Shooting Contests

We will have qualifier shooting contestsin the fall and spring, usually in conjunction with a high school rodeo. If your rodeo committee is interested in helping with this please contact James Harriman. Email: Cell: (605) 393-7819

TO ENTER A CONTEST, please visit the Entering a Rodeo page and click on "Click here to Enter a Rodeo"

Upcoming Shooting Contests:

Watford City, September 13 at 8:30am safety check; 9:00am CST Watford City Information Sheet

Valley City, September 20 at 1:00pm CST Valley City Shooting Information Sheet

Each year our Shooting Contest is held Wednesday afternoon during the State Finals Rodeo in Bowman, ND.

The Board of Directors extends a huge thank you to James Harriman for coordinating this event for the Association.

Please review the National High School Rodeo Association Shooting Sports Rule/ Guidelines. 2024 NHSRA Shooting Sports Guide Rule Changes and the Shooting DRESS CODE.

They have added these two rules: 

National High School Rodeo Light Rifle Rules

Rule #: 3.17 Eye Protection- All competitors and other personnel in the immediate vicinity of the range complex must wear eye protection devices. Must show the ANSI Z87.1 (and/or the equivalent standard for all countries involved) safety rating for eye protection devices.


National High School Rodeo Trapshooting Rules

Rule #: 3.4 Eye Protection- All competitors and other personnel in the immediate vicinity of the range complex must wear eye protection devices. Must show the ANSI Z87.1 (and/or the equivalent standard for all countries involved) safety rating for eye protection devices.

If you have questions, please reach out to: 

James Harriman

Shooting Program Director


Email James Harriman